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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dance Recital Time

Caroline has her first dance recital this weekend. She's so excited and seems to be really enjoying the production of it all. The most recent video is a close up of her from dress rehearsal this afternoon. And here she is with her girlfriends waiting for their time to practice on stage and one of the "final bow" practice with everyone on stage (this pic shows about 1/3 of the stage).

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Birthday Boy

We celebrated Jackson's 1st Birthday on Sunday, April 25th. I can't believe he is already one!

He is such a happy guy - he's crawling fast, pulling to a stand and cruises around pretty brazenly. The falls don't seem to faze him very much. He babbles a lot - "mama" remains to be his favorite word but he also says "dada, gaa-gaa (which I think is what he calls Maggie), kaa-kaa (for Caroline)" and a number of other mostly "aa" ending sounds. He claps at everything - particularly at mealtime which makes eating slow since he claps after every other bite he feeds himself. He just started waving to people and himself in the mirror this week.

At his well-baby doctor visit he still measured very large - 32" tall (95th%), and I think he weighs about 27 pounds (they had him stand to weigh him and he was supporting himself on the wall so it measured lower than I know it to be). His head is still in the over 97th% and the doctor even measured MY head at his appointment to make sure we're big headed people (which we apparently are - but mostly it's from Josh!).

It was just us on his birthday so we had a very simple little party at home. He loved the cake, but didn't care for the icing (which is the only part of cake that Caroline eats - so they make a perfect pair).

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Giggle video

This afternoon Caroline (dressed in her ballet gear) was "sweeping" the patio with her magic wand and Jackson just thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen. She makes him laugh more than any of us - it is just so sweet. He's cruising so sometimes if she wants to run around out in the backyard, I'll set up the ottoman in front of the screen so he can cruise on over there and check out what big sis is doing. That's the story behind the latest video.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

We've had a wonderful day here. Lots of traditional Easter fun. Caroline participated in the egg hunt at church and found our yard scattered with eggs upon returning from brunch. The Easter Bunny put a book of Easter knock-knock jokes in her basket, so we are sure to have our fill of those over the next week or so.

Spring break is this week for us and we have lots of things planned to fill the preschool void. Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


We went to our playgroup Easter Egg-stravaganza this morning. It's a beautiful day and the kids had a good time. Jackson didn't participate in the egg hunt, but he had fun watching all the chaos with Dad from the hillside.

Caroline, true to form, got some prime real estate for the group pic right next to the Bunny!

Little man on the move

Jackson is desperately trying to stand and get a little more mobile. I put a new video up today of some of his antics. He likes to play hide and seek in the drapes, so excuse my talking so much in the beginning and sounding like a total goof.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Recent happenings

Well, we don't really have anything too exciting to report - just regular goings-on around here. Spring has definitely sprung (January and February were actually pretty rainy here - although I don't expect any sympathy from anyone given how hard winter has been on the rest of civilization!). All that to say, we have been enjoying more of our usual outdoor activities - park time and Legoland.

Jackson got his first haircut last week. He did pretty well and Caroline got the full "Barbie" treatment to boot.