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Monday, March 23, 2009

Back from Disney

Whew... what a weekend! We had a blast at Disneyland. I think we covered all the ground riding everything one can ride when they are under 40" tall. A lot of things were just as we remembered when we went as kids (Dumbo, the tea cups, it's a small world), but there was a bunch of new stuff too. Here are a few pictures....

Dumbo was clearly a favorite - she had to ride that more than once. Other favorites included the Mad Hatter's tea cup ride and also the lady bug ride (from A Bug's Life). When we went to Toon Town, Caroline got to meet Mickey Mouse and also Minney and Pluto. We caught the end of Mary Poppins and Bert singing a number on main street, but didn't get to meet them (which caused a few distressing moments - that would have probably been the highlight if we could have pulled that off). We had street sightings of the Mad Hatter, Goofey and the evil witch from Snow White (a little too scary for a photo op!).

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