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Friday, March 13, 2009

Birthdays and such...

Josh's birthday was last week. Mimi and Pappy were here for a visit at the time so they took a quick family photo of us behind the delicious but simple cake I made for him (I think I've made the same cake for him every year for 10 years, come to think of it).
As always, my mom wanted a pic of the girls. We did a little self-timed thing so it really should be cropped, but in case you want to see my ever expanding waistline... here it is. It's actually not so bad from the front view, but he's all in front and my profile these days is ridiculous. Six weeks and change to go!


Beth said...

I think you look absolutely beautiful!!! GLOWING!!

Oh, & happy birthday to Josh too!

Archna and Ryan said...

You look FABULOUS!!!

Archna and Ryan said...

You look fabulous!

Andrea said...

You really do look great. I'm at least twice your size. I'll be mailing another package in the next week or so. love y'all.

Leslie said...

Well, you'll all be getting your bribe money in the mail any day now! ;)