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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Twick o Twick

Caroline went with Josh to about 7 or 8 neighbors' homes and said "twick o twick" then roared and had a blast. I sat on our front porch handing out candy to the other kids and she would yell up to me as they walked by the house "Hi Mommy!" She's getting to be such a big girl!

Earlier in the day...

I really should have started sooner, but Halloween snuck up on me this year, and and we have not taught Caroline much about the holiday. So, this morning, I have infiltrated her with Charlie Brown's Great Pumpkin (which she only half watched while she played), we had a dress rehearsal in the costume and I started trying to get her to say trick-or-treat. The closest we've gotten so far is "Twick o Twick". We've still got some time before tonight, so I'm sure she'll have it mastered. She's a quick study. ;)
Here's a pic from the "dress rehearsal." Her roar is getting more ferocious though... so watch out neighbors!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Play time

Over the last few weeks as Caroline has gotten more comfortable on her feet and gained some confidence, our "play time" has changed quite a bit. She really enjoys the playground now and after some many attempts, seems to have finally decided that she likes the slide. This was one of our first positive slide experiences...

This weekend, Caroline's "Mimi" came to visit and like many visits from grandparents, some new toys entered the house. This time, it was a rocking horse that neighs and sings his own little song. He is very popular! (Lambie gets to ride a lot too.)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Weekend with the cousins

Caroline's Aunt Amy, Uncle Rob and cousins Haley, Mary Pat & Madeline came to visit this past weekend. We filled the weekend with lots of activities and the girls (and adults!) had a great time. Thanks for coming to visit us!

Monday, October 15, 2007

With the fishes

Sunday we all went to the aquarium for Caroline's new friend, Sanjay's 2nd birthday outing. This was our first outing where Caroline walked by herself and for that matter, refused to hold our hands at all, which is quite a change. And she's really taken off - she's running and quite a job to keep up with at times!
Here are a few pictures from the day...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Potty Time

Caroline has become increasingly interested in the potty. I thought she was probably a little on the young side to start potty training. Then, last week when she was running a fever for several days and had no other symptoms, I took her to the pediatrician. (She's fine by the way - just a little virus that gave her fever for a few days and now is gone) The doc ruled out all the usual suspects and decided we should try to get a urine sample. I was a little worried how we would go about that exactly.

To make a long story a little shorter, they basically put a little bag inside her diaper and told me to just wait until we had some results. Well, we waited... and we waited... It had been about 20 minutes and nothing. And being the anxious patient she is, she just kept walking over to the door and saying "Bye-Bye! Bye-Bye!"

Finally in an effort to try to explain why we couldn't go bye-bye, I told her: "We can't go bye-bye until you tinkle." She gave a concentrated look and then I heard a small gush. She had done it! On command! And promptly pointed to the door saying one last emphatic "Bye-Bye!" again to remind me that we could finally go home.

Needless to say, we are now the proud owner of an Elmo potty that sits in our family room. So far it has been used as a seat to watch her favorite program (the Wiggles) and to hide small things. This will probably be slow going, but let the potty times begin!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

All dolled up

We're a little behind on our posts with traveling the last two weeks - first to Nashville for my sister's wedding and then Josh and I took a trip to Seattle for a conference/adult long weekend without Caroline. The official pictures aren't available yet from the wedding, but here's one that was snapped of our family on route to the outdoor pictures before the wedding. Caroline looked so sweet in her in her little silk dress (which will probably be making more appearances at Christmas/Easter/whatever other holidays I can squeeze her into it!).