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Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

There has been much anticipation for Halloween this year and Caroline is REALLY excited to go trick-or-treating tonight. She's been working on little projects over the last few weeks and made all kinds of decorations for our front entrance. We worked on the pumpkins this morning - one traditional, two little not-so-traditional but very festive.

Happy Halloween everyone!

Weekend in Nashville

We went to Nashville last weekend for a Vandy med school reunion and homecoming. It was really fun seeing old friends and Caroline got lots of time with her grandparents. We even overlapped our stay by a few hours with Joy so we got to see her too!

Here are a few pictures from the weekend. Caroline went to her first college football game and really enjoyed the tailgate and game (even though we sacrificed the nap for it!). There were lots of kids at the tailgate and she quickly made a friend to enjoy a cookie with in between playing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

We visited Bates Nut Farm this morning in Valley Center, CA (about 45 minutes east of us). They had a spectacular pumpkin patch and all the fun extras for the kids - petting zoo, pony rides, hay rides, corn maze, etc.

It got a little warm seeing as I forgot it's 10 or more degrees warmer in the valley, but we were just there in the morning so it wasn't too bad.
I took her to the pony ride station first because I thought this might be a big hit. We watched one group of kids go and then it was our turn. She panicked and wouldn't get on. So, we left the ring and watched a little while longer. After about 3 more groups had gone and she had cheered them on excitedly, I asked her if she was ready for her ride. She told me "Maybe in the morning, Mommy."
So we moved on. We explored the pumpkin patch, went through the store and took a hayride. I was starting to get a little hot and it was approaching lunchtime so we walked by the ponies again with our ticket still in hand and she decided that she was ready to go. And she was! She LOVED it!! I took a video too - now featured at the top of the blog (which is not all that exciting, but it seemed monumental after all the deliberation).

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pumpkin Ballerina

Caroline selected her Halloween costume a couple of weeks ago (pretty much as soon as they were out in the stores). Since she has a budding interest in ballet, she said she wanted to be a ballerina and this orange costume was very appealing to her. She dresses up in it almost everyday and dances around. She was dancing this evening in it and I couldn't resist a photo - too cute.