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Saturday, August 16, 2008

I think we're gonna like it here...

Caroline had a great week with Mimi & Pappy while I unpacked and Josh headed to work. She is already so happy having a real backyard and has discovered her new artistic endeavor - watercolors - which now adorn our fridge.
To all my southern friends - note the sweater on Caroline. It's August and actually chilly here at night. I think I can get used to this! ;)

Trek to California

Well, we made it! Our 2,200 mile trek to California went very well and we are starting to feel settled with just a few boxes left in the house and even have some pictures on the walls. Caroline has adjusted far beyond our expectations and Josh has been working for over a week now.
So far, adjusting to "Navy life" has gone smoothly. It took a while to get into the system with car stickers and id's, etc., but that was to be expected. Everyone is really nice and I'm still getting used to being saluted when I drive on base (the marines salute the car because of the officer sticker no matter whose driving).
I will have to send out a kodakgallery slideshow of our trip because we have almost 60 pictures, but will put some of the highlights here:

Our fist stop was a short drive to Indianapolis to Josh's parents' house for a respite after the 3 days of pack-out from Cincinnati. Caroline got lots of good cousin time in. We arrived there Thursday mid-day, spent the afternoon with the girls in the pool, then took a short boat ride down to the marina for an Italian dinner with Josh's parents, sister and her family. We will really miss being so close to family!

Friday morning we got an early start for our longest day of driving... through Indiana, through Illinois, into Missouri and to our final destination of the day, Tulsa, Oklahoma (which I really wouldn't recommend for a stopping point for anyone not needing to stop there!). Our stay was fine but not noteworthy. Caroline and Maggie were troupers... no meltdowns, NO videos (can you believe it?!?) - we counted cows and windmills a lot. She took a good 2-hour nap mid-day. A very happy day of driving.
Saturday we made a quick stop in Oklahoma City to see Josh's cousin, Dawn and her family. Caroline enjoyed playing with Marian and Miranda - this picture is of the three girls making silly faces.

We ended our short 400 mile drive that day in Canyon, Texas at my aunt Janice's house. I got to visit with my cousin, Tamara, and Caroline played with her youngest child, Josh. It was a very nice stop and we got some good food, nice company and a good night's sleep.

Sunday we had another long day of driving all the way to Williams, Arizona (just south of the Grand Canyon and in the mountains near Flagstaff). That was one of our more interesting drives through New Mexico (which has to be the most beautiful state we drove through) and through Arizona. A lot of desert and mountains with stops far a few between. We stopped in New Mexico and the gas station also served as the post office, there was a rooster at the pump which "cock-a-doodle-dooed" quite a bit AND Caroline decided that was the place to go to the potty which had to be the most disgusting bathroom we visited along our journey (but she still went potty..yay!). I think I actually Purelled her backside that visit even though I had lined the toilet with about 6 layers of toilet paper. Eck!
We spent the next day, Monday, resting from the road. We visited the Grand Canyon that morning and spent the afternoon at our ranch resort letting Maggie and Caroline have some outdoor time just running around the extensive grounds.
Our last day on the road, Tuesday, we drove into California and to our new home! The funniest thing was stopping at the first exit in California for gas and a restroom break. We saw our first palm tree and in the same shot, the exhorbitant gas prices! They're actually not that bad on the coast but it was a shock to see at the time.