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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Birthday Boy

We celebrated Jackson's 1st Birthday on Sunday, April 25th. I can't believe he is already one!

He is such a happy guy - he's crawling fast, pulling to a stand and cruises around pretty brazenly. The falls don't seem to faze him very much. He babbles a lot - "mama" remains to be his favorite word but he also says "dada, gaa-gaa (which I think is what he calls Maggie), kaa-kaa (for Caroline)" and a number of other mostly "aa" ending sounds. He claps at everything - particularly at mealtime which makes eating slow since he claps after every other bite he feeds himself. He just started waving to people and himself in the mirror this week.

At his well-baby doctor visit he still measured very large - 32" tall (95th%), and I think he weighs about 27 pounds (they had him stand to weigh him and he was supporting himself on the wall so it measured lower than I know it to be). His head is still in the over 97th% and the doctor even measured MY head at his appointment to make sure we're big headed people (which we apparently are - but mostly it's from Josh!).

It was just us on his birthday so we had a very simple little party at home. He loved the cake, but didn't care for the icing (which is the only part of cake that Caroline eats - so they make a perfect pair).