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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Visit to the Firehouse

This was actually from a couple of weeks ago but I just got the pictures from one of the other moms who actually thought to bring her camera (unlike me!). With fires being so prevalent here, you can imagine that firemen are all the rage with the kids... superheroes in the flesh. Our playgroup visited our local firehouse to meet the firemen, see all the engines and get a tour of the firehouse.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Caroline has been taking swim lessons since the beginning of the year and is really making progress. One great thing about living at the coast is they really know how to do swim schools here. She has been going to Murray Callan Swim School in San Marcos and loves her teacher, Marcie. She takes lessons with one of her good buddies, Mikey, and his mom took some great pictures of them recently during their lesson.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm 3!

Happy 3rd Birthday to Caroline!

She had a great day today. This morning we had our playgroup Valentine exchange party at a playground and finished our day with an evening at Chuck E. Cheese's (her first time to go). She has been very excited to tell everyone that she's 3 now and enjoyed getting lots of birthday cards in the mail over the last few days.

Here are a few pictures from the day: a little girl talk on the slide with friend, Sophia, and livin' it up at Chuck E. Cheese's with Dad.

Happy Birthday to our little Valentine!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Birthday Bash

We had Caroline's 3rd birthday party on Saturday. It was lots of fun (although the weather didn't cooperate so there was no bounce-house to be enjoyed) with her playgroup friends. Here's a picture of the birthday girl about to blow out her candles...

Later in the afternoon, high on all the sugar, she was running around with her "cape" being Super-Duper Caroline. I think this is a cross between Super Grover and the Wonder Pets... not quite sure, but we caught her on video so that is the latest video at the top of the page. (I'm not sure why her hair looks so red in this picture below... something with the light, I guess.)