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Thursday, June 18, 2009

bath time

So round, squishy and happy.....

Friday, June 12, 2009

So sweet!

This picture is actually from last weekend when Jackson turned 6 weeks old. He is such a cuddler and so sweet and plump, I just had to post it!

Caroline has been enjoying a lot of outside time in the backyard since we haven't been going out quite as much as usual (because I'm still getting the hang of this going out with two kids thing!). Fortunately, our little yard is a perfect play place for a three year old. Here she is doing a little sidewalk chalk on the patio.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Jackson is smiling!

These past weeks have flown by... busy, busy. Jackson is growing like a weed and has started really smiling at us - so sweet! Caroline gets a big laugh when he smiles for her.
We think he's about 12 pounds now but we won't get an official weigh in again until his 2 month checkup. He is noticeably heavier, fills out his 3 month sized clothes and I always get comments when we're out like "how many months is your baby?" - he's just huge! Such a difference from Caroline who is still a string bean.