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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Long time overdue

Well, things have been very hectic with LOTS of company and getting settled in our new town. We've had visits from both sets of parents, the McDowells and my sister, Joy - all within about a three week span. It's been great! Who knew all you had to do to get people to visit you was move to Southern California.

We've gotten into somewhat of a routine as well. We've tried to get to the beach once a week or so - either to play in the sand and water or at lest walk along the boardwalk (a nice, non-gritty alternative).

Caroline has started back in a Kindermusik class once a week which we're really enjoying. I've joined a large community playgroup (with over 130 moms) that has all kinds of great outings, including this concert in the park from Hullabaloo (a local folksy "band" for kids - very cute original songs) that we went to when Joy was here.

Here's another picture of Joy & Caroline - I love this because Caroline wanted to wear a headband just like Aunt Joy.

The budding artist has taken on new mediums ever since she met Ms. Linda (who keeps her every Wednesday morning for me to have a little mom's morning out). They have made bracelets with beads, a scarecrow out of wallpaper scraps that is taller than Caroline, all kinds of fancy drawings with paint, feathers, pompoms and even equipped with googly eyes. Our refrigerator is covered!

We had her crib converted to a toddler bed for a while. All went well for a week and then it totally back-fired on us. She didn't nap for 4 days straight, it took about 100 trips of us putting her back to bed at night and then we threw in the towel deciding that she wasn't quite ready. We received no resistance putting the crib rail back up so we'll try that again after Thanksgiving, I think.

We have made leaps and bounds on the potty training though! This is successful day two of big girl panties (no diapers!). And NO accidents!! This was MUCH easier than I thought it was going to be... I should have made the switch weeks ago, it was just hard with lots of company and outings. Yay for my big girl!