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Friday, April 18, 2008

Our first earthquake

We woke up early this morning to windows rattling and all the furniture shaking (just at a tremor). At first I thought Maggie was scratching up against the bed and we both yelled "Maggie quit!"... but then I saw she was laying quietly on her bed. It was startling enough that we both got out of bed to investigate. It stopped after about 3 or 4 minutes so we just went back to bed. Caroline didn't wake up at all. I was surprised to hear this as the first story on the Today show this morning, but it made me feel better to at least know what it was. Apparently it was in southern IL - 250 miles away.
I guess we better get used to them if we're going to be Southern Californians for a while. But I never thought my first earthquake would be experienced in Ohio!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I was up with Jack and felt it too, although not as strongly. I actually thought it was the AC and was very surprised to realize that the AC wasn't on, didn't know it was an earthquake until I saw the news.