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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sesame Street Live

We went to Sesame Street Live this afternoon. Caroline really enjoyed her first "concert" (I guess that's what you'd call it?). It was an experience to say the least. An arena filled with toddlers and parents, and grandparents... Elmo head balloons flying, popcorn everywhere, the kid behind us screamed "Elmo" the entire time he wasn't on stage.... it was something else! That kind of sounds like it wasn't fun, but it really was.
Josh and I really enjoyed Cookie Monster & Rosita's number, "Crum-ba, Rum-ba" - for those Sesame Street followers you can imagine... a spanish number about cookies. We caught it on video so we may post it if it's not too long.
Anyway, I would highly recommend it. Caroline was completely intrigued until the intermission and then when we came back for the shorter second act, she lost interest and we left about 10 minutes early. But overall, a very fun time!
Josh found this funny "review" of the show online and it's a good summary of the experience. If you're interested, here's the web address (you'll have to cut and paste it):

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